Sunday 22 September 2013

Week 3

~*Week 3: Monday September 23rd 2013*~
Last week was bad for me in terms of food. While I have managed to get a hold on going to the gym, unless I get my eating under control it will all be for nothing. I have my week off this week so I know I need to try really hard today and tomorrow to not eat jun food so that I am not tempted too while I am home. Almost done with the 3FC lazyman marathon too, hopefully there will be another exercise challenge for october as I think I might get bored if it's the exact same one. I also snuck in a weigh in this morning before my official one on Wednesday morning and I still weighed the exact same amount as last week. I don't think I will reach my goal of 97.5kg on Wednesday but one can only hope :) even if it's 97.9kg i don't care I just want to see that 7 lol

Positives: had cereal for breakfast

Okay so for this week because it was my week off I haven't done the best in keeping my blog up to date but I will try to recount. Over all i have been going well by going to the gym and keeping my binge eating under control. I think this will be my first week off where I will actually loose weight instead of putting it on

~*Week 3: Tuesday September 24th 2013*~
Positives: didn't eat junk food. When I landed in Perth I actually got my mum to take me to subway instead of the usual KFC. I was really proud of myself that I didn't binge eat on junk food when we got home

Negatives: didn't go to the gym in the morning

~*Week 3: Wednesday September 25th 2013*~

Negatives: didn't go to the gym because I was in Perth all day and also had some hot chips at dinner

Positives: over all eating wise other than the gym I did really well. Going to the dentist and getting my hair done kept me occupied

~*Week 3: Thursday September 26th 2013*~

Negatives: had some chocolate

Positives: went to the gym and had a healthy lunch

~*Week 3: Friday September 27th 2013*~

Negatives: didn't eat as well as I could have due to chocolate and chips

Positives: went to the gym

~*Week 3: Saturday September 28th 2013*~

Negatives: had some chocolate. Also the Dockers lost the grand final :(:( I know it's off topic but I was really hoping that they were going to win

Positives: went to the gym. They said they were closing early in half an hour due to the grand final. The old me would have left not seeing much point but I decided to make the most of it and spend half an hour on the treadmill. I also had a healthy lunch and had a really nice dinner. Normally when I enjoyed dinner I would go back for a second helping but I didn't so I am happy for myself.

~*Week 3: Sunday September 29th 2013*~

Positives: I am proud of this week even though I haven't entirely been eating well the whole time I have done a lot better than what I would normally do on my week off and am proud that I kept up my gym routine. Next break my goal would be to focus on having less soft drink

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